Top Benefits of Joining a Group Fitness Class Beyond Exercise

You live a busy life! Between work, family, friends, and the rest of that long checklist of to-dos each day, it can be challenging to find time for yourself to exercise and still have fun. What if you could combine it into one? Today, we are talking about the top benefits of joining a group fitness class beyond exercise.

Benefits of Joining a Group Fitness Class

It is recommended that adults get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, or 75 minutes of intense exercise, each week. By joining a group fitness class, you are reaping all the benefits, from weight loss to muscle toning to reducing your risk of heart disease. While the physical benefits of regular exercise are a top perk of joining a group fitness class, there is even more to gain.

1.      Affordability

One of the top benefits of a group fitness class is affordability. You get the same guidance and structure of a personal training session with an expert but at a much lower cost.

2.      Variety

Group fitness class introduces variety into your exercise routine rather than doing the same training at the gym week after week. Your instructor will offer new, exciting exercises to challenge you and keep exercising from getting stale.

3.      Sociability

One of our favorite benefits of joining a group fitness class is the friendships that you make. Everyone in class is on the same journey, working towards a healthier, happier self. By joining a group fitness class, you are gaining a sweat family.

4.      Accountability

Speaking of those new friends, they will become your accountability buddies. If you miss a class, they will notice. If you are feeling behind the curve, they will encourage you. If you are feeling competitive, they will work just as hard to keep you on your toes.

5.      Confidence

Whether you feel you need to lose five pounds or fifty, a group fitness class will provide you with body benefits to increase your confidence. Not only will your look and feel better, but you will also achieve personal milestones that improve your mental and emotional health!

6.      Fun

The journey to a healthy, fit, fabulous body is often daunting because people get psyched out by the hours of exercise waiting for them. It can lead to feelings of dread, especially if your exercise routine is boring. You don’t have to worry about that when joining a group fitness class. Group fitness classes are fun, fast-paced, and entertaining. The time will fly by, calories burning away before you even realize it!


Group Fitness at Club Prairie

Are you ready to ditch your boring exercise routine, make friends, and have a blast while torching calories? We at Club Prairie offer over 30 group fitness classes per week, including HIIT Club classes. Our nationally certified instructors keep you motivated, educated, and safely engaged in total body workouts that will advance you to the next level of health and wellness. For more information on group classes, please review our class schedule and descriptions.


At-Home Exercises You Can Do During Quarantine

Are you bored out of your mind while being stuck at home during quarantine? Do you want to get out and exercise, but all gyms and classes are closed? Don't worry; we have at-home exercises you can do during quarantine! Simply pick your exercise style for the day, and follow our circuit! 

Cardio Day:

When you are stuck at home, it is vital to get your heart rate up so that you don't turn into a couch potato. Follow this routine:

  • 1 min high knees (slow) 

  • 1 min jogging in place

  • 1 min jumping jacks 

  • 1 min burpees

  • 1 min butt kicks

  • 1 min squat jumps or star jumps

  • 1 min rest and water

  • Repeat 3-5 times

  • Stretch before completion

Arm Day:

Lifting the remote to pause the TV does not count as an arm workout. Follow this no-equipment arm circuit to keep those arms defined!

  • 30 seconds arm circles 

  • 30 seconds arms circles (other direction)

  • 20 standard push-ups

  • 20 chair dips 

  • 10 military push-ups (elbows pressed against the body)

  • 10 triangle push-ups

  • 30 seconds plank hold

  • 1 min rest and water

  • Repeat 3-5 times 

  • Stretch before completion

Leg Day:

You may not be moving around as much during quarantine, but that doesn't mean you can't give your legs an excellent workout! Follow this routine to keep your legs in shape. 

  • 1 min jumping jacks

  • 30 seconds burpees

  • 1 min squats

  • 30 seconds high knees

  • 1 min right lunges

  • 1 min left lunges 

  • 1 min squat jumps 

  • 1 min rest and water

  • Repeat 3-5 times 

  • Stretch before completion

Ab Day: 

Summer is coming, which means we need to get those abs beach ready! Follow this circuit for a killer workout! 

  • 20 knee-ups

  • 20 bicycles crunches

  • 20 flutter kicks

  • 30 seconds right side plank

  • 30 seconds left side plank

  • 20 windshield wipers

  • 10 leg lifts

  • Plank hold for as long as you can! 

  • 1 min rest and water

  • Repeat 3-5 times

  • Stretch before completion

Flexibility Day: 

Gaining muscle and definition is essential, but so is flexibility. Taking the time for deep stretches will not only improve your overall fitness, but it will help to prevent injuries. Remember when stretching to breathe deeply, gently rock as you stretch instead of remaining static, and don't push to the point of pain; know your limits and stretch carefully.

  • 1 min jumping jacks

  • 30 seconds inchworm walkout

  • Quad stretch

  • Toe touch 

  • Calf stretch

  • Butterfly stretch

  • Knee to chest stretch (twist to touch knee to floor on either side)

  • Downward facing dog

  • Upward facing dog

  • Shoulder stretch (use a wall for opposite stretch)

  • Tricep stretch 

  • Wrist stretch

  • Side to side neck stretch 

  • Add is any other stretch that your body needs

  • Repeat as necessary to get out any extra kinks

You GOT This! 

You can do these easy at-home workouts in just 20 minutes! Remember, if they are too hard or too easy for you, you can add or subtract some of the reps to suit your needs. As long as you are working up a sweat and feeling the burn, you are on the right track to staying fit during quarantine.

The Benefits of HIIT Training

Are you a busy person who just doesn’t have time to work out? We understand that like can get hectic, but don’t let that excuse weigh you down any longer. You can look great and feel great by engaging in HIIT workouts! They are fun, effective, and, most importantly, fast! Learn about the benefits of HIIT and get started today!

What is HIIT?

HIIT, short for High-Intensity Interval Training, is a workout that consists of short periods of intense exercise combined with recovery periods. The short period of intense exercise ranges from 45 seconds to a few minutes. The duration of the recovery period is usually equal to the intense period, but it consists of a gentle exercise or movement. In total, HIIT sessions generally last 10 to 30 minutes if you want to achieve the highest results. 

Calorie Torching

If you are looking to torch calories, HIIT is the way to go! Healthline reports that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than other forms of exercise. Not only that, but multiple studies have also shown that HIIT increases one's metabolic rate for hours after the workout is complete. When you raise your metabolic rate, it means that your body is burning more calories than usual. Whether you are working at the office or on a walk, you will have hours of calorie-burning after the workout is over. This, in turn, can lead to weight loss. 

Increased Health

HIIT sessions are more than just torching calories; they also provide physical and mental health benefits. HIIT may help to improve heart and lung health, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, as well as increase the oxygen supply to the muscles. Beyond just the physical benefits, HIIT may provide increased mental health. It could possibly help with motivation and depression, although further research is needed.  

Twice the Success

In a world where we are always busy, it can feel as though there is never enough time in the day to work out. One of the best benefits of HIIT is that it is not time-consuming. Doctors recommend 30 minutes of exercise just three times a week. However, only 10 minutes of that need to be high intensity to achieve the health benefits. When the sessions are so quick, you can easily get your training in before work, on a break, or before making dinner for the family. 

Get started working towards a better you today! If you are worried about motivating yourself to do it, you can join a HIIT class where trained professionals will guide you through the process. You will have fun, make friends, and feel like a rock star!

How to Keep your Family and Kids Active

Running a household is a full-time job, and sometimes things can slip through the cracks. One thing that you can't let slip through is exercise. It is vital to keep your family on the move and healthy all year long. Try out these fantastic methods to keep your family and kids active. 

Outdoor Days

Make an effort to schedule outdoor days with your family! Whether it is every weekend or once a month, put it in your calendar to get outside. Visit local parks, go hiking, hit up a waterpark, swim at the beach, play putt-putt golf, or challenge your kids to a sports game. You will all get exercise, fresh air, and a family bond that will last forever. 

Family Walks 

Spend quality time together each day by adding a family walk into your daily routine. Whether it is after dinner on school nights or before breakfast on the weekends, you and your family can hit the streets. Take a 30-minute stroll around the neighborhood; this will give you time to catch up with your family without any distractions while getting some exercise.


Enrolling your kids in a sport that they love will have them excited and ready to exercise every day. Let your kids try out a few different sports at a local gym class and see which one they like best. Take it to the next level by keeping them involved in sports year-round. Let them choose a sport for each season, so they always stay busy! According to Gift Climber: Football, basketball, and soccer are currently the most popular youth sports. Kids aren't the only ones who can enjoy playing sports, try planning a weekly tennis or pickle-ball match with the whole family.

Gym Classes

Gym classes offer year-round activities for kids and adults to stay healthy and active. Whether it is once a week or five times a week, your family can hit the gym together. Send the kids off to youth fitness classes where they can play soccer, basketball, dodgeball, and other fun sports. While they are burning off energy, you can take your own gym class or work-out in the gym solo. Some gyms even offer joint parent/kid classes where you can work out or even go rock climbing together! 

Parents Night Out

Let's be honest; keeping your family and kids entertained is an exhausting job! You deserve to have a break! That is why at Club Prairie, we offer Parents Night Out. Once a month, you can drop your kids, aged 3-12, off with us. While you are out enjoying a date or even taking a nap, we will entertain your kids with games, crafts, activities, our climbing wall, a pizza dinner, and a movie! By the time you pick them up, you will be rejuvenated, and they will be worn out!

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Rock Climbing Today

Have you ever wanted to try rock climbing but always find an excuse not to? Maybe you are scared, busy, or have no experience? Don’t wait another day to give it a try! Here are 5 reasons why you should try rock climbing today!

  1. Cardio Workout

Rock climbing is an intense sport that will get your heart pumping. As you pull yourself up the face of the wall, you get in a solid cardiovascular workout. Not only will you improve your cardio, but you will also be helping to prevent or improve chronic illness such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

  1. Strength Training

Rock climbing takes considerable strength. Many believe that just your arms are getting a workout, but that is not the case. When you rock climb, you engage your abdominals, obliques, back, and legs. You even improve your finger and forearm strength as you grip the handholds. You are getting a full-body workout in just one session. 

In addition to that, you also increase your flexibility and range of motion. Stretching, reaching, and working for that hold that it just out of reach will push your body to the limits to increase both your strength and flexibility. 

  1. Mental Health

Rock climbing is essentially a giant puzzle. As you climb, your mind is processing route calculations and engaging in problem-solving skills. As you reach for the next hold, you are practicing hand-eye coordination skills. All of this combined gives your brain as much of a workout as your body while improving brain function and sharpening your mental abilities. 

  1. Weight Loss

You are torching hundreds of calories every single time you go rock climbing. You are working your cardio and strength skills at the same time while pushing your body hard to reach the top. This extreme engagement of your body is an excellent workout. Climbers, on average, burn 500-900 calories per one-hour session. That would be equivalent to running 5 to 10 miles, but you are engaging almost every muscle group in the process!

  1. It’s Fun!

If it were boring, no one would do it! Yet, there are scores of people who love rock climbing. Why? Because rock climbing is a lot of fun! High-intensity exercise like rock climbing also increases your levels of norepinephrine, which reduces your stress levels. Plus, it is known to induce feelings of pride when you reach a new goal and to help conquer fears. By picking up rocking climbing, you will be having a blast, shedding everyday worries, and getting in a fantastic workout all in one! 

Add into it that rock climbing is a social sport, it means that you get to spend time with friends while working on improving yourself. You will build teamwork skills and bond over your love of the sport!

By taking up rock climbing, you will build cardio and strength, improve your mental health, lose weight, and have fun. It doesn't get much better than that! Contact your local climbing gym to check out rates, packages, and classes today!

5 Reasons Why Swimming is the Perfect Exercise

Are you sick of running for miles, doing endless squats, or spending hours lifting weights to achieve the body that you want? Yes? You should try swimming! Swimming has a plethora of benefits that will change your mind about exercising forever. Here are five reasons why swimming is the perfect exercise.

  1. Full Body Workout

Unlike many exercises that target a specific muscle group, swimming tackles a variety of muscles, all at the same time, providing a full-body workout. Depending on the stroke you choose, you can work everything from your arms to your core to your legs. Switching between strokes will ensure that you are working every possible muscle group. By swimming, you will build strength, increase endurance, and tone muscles. 

Swimming benefits the inside of your body just as much as the outside. It is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise; it keeps your heart rate up the entire time you are moving. Swimming can also increase your lung capacity, lower your blood pressure, and help to manage your blood sugar levels. 

  1. Easier on the Body

Compared to traditional exercises that can be harsh, swimming is much kinder on the body. It doesn't have the repetitive jarring impact of running or the strain of weight-lifting. Swimming is a low-impact sport that reaps plenty of benefits for everyone who participates. 

Swimming isn't solely for the fit and healthy; it is also for those who have suffered injuries or have special conditions. Anyone suffering from joint damage or arthritis can use swimming as a quality low-impact therapy option. In addition, swimming can help those who have asthma, multiple sclerosis, and even pregnant women. Studies have shown that women and their babies can benefit from swimming during pregnancy. 

  1. Calorie Killer

Swimming torches calories almost as much as running, but without the harsh impacts. Since you are working all of your muscle groups, engaging your heart and lungs, and not being slowed down by road conditions or sore joints, you can kill some significant calories. Healthline reports that a 160-pound person can burn around 423 calories per hour just by swimming laps at a low or moderate pace; this proves to be higher than what you would burn by walking or doing yoga. If you were to swim at a vigorous pace, you could burn up to 700 calories an hour! 

  1. Stress Relief

Swimming is an excellent choice for relieving stress. Like with all exercise, swimming allows your mind and body to engage in vigorous activity, allowing you to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of modern life. If a swimmer maintains a solid pace for a long time, they can even experience that elusive runner's high that makes exercising even more enjoyable! 

  1. It’s FUN!

Running for hours or lifting the same weight over and over can be tedious and boring. It will slowly kill your love of exercising if it is all that you do. Swimming, however, is fun! You can perform a variety of strokes as well as do it with friends and family. It doesn't matter your fitness level or theirs, you can do it solo or together!

Swimming is the perfect exercise, so the next time you are setting up your fitness goals, make sure to add swimming in as a component. See which gyms offer a pool with their membership and get started today!

4 Reasons Why Running is Beneficial for Your Health

Getting up for a morning run or taking a nighttime jog after work may seem a lot of effort, but the overall health benefits of running are definitely worth it. Running boasts a plethora of benefits including illness prevention, improved joint strength, weight management, and increased happiness. Here is why you should start running!

  1. Illness prevention

Running does far more than just strengthening your joints. In fact, running increases your overall health in a variety of ways that you might not be familiar with! Running helps prevent obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, strokes, high blood pressure, some types of cancer, and more. 

Not only does running help the body, but it also helps the mind. A study published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review showed that running increases focus, task-switching ability, and working memory for children and young adults. Studies have also indicated that older adults that are more fit score higher on mental tests than their unfit peers. 

  1. Joint strength 

Just like any other workout, running increases bodily strength. However, there is an ongoing myth that “running is bad for your knees.” Numerous studies have proven this wrong! Running actually strengthens knees, joints, and bones. 

When you are pounding the pavement, it puts a lot of stress on your bones and cartilage. Although it may sound detrimental, this type of stress actually causes an increase in bone mass and helps prevent age-related bone loss. 

  1. Weight Management

Running takes a lot of energy, which in turn burns a lot of calories. Combine this with the afterburn effect (where your body continues to burn calories after the work out), and you have a powerhouse method of losing or maintaining your body weight. 

In addition, running works out a host of muscles throughout your body unlike certain exercises that only strengthen a single muscle group. Running will shape your legs, firm up your rear end, and tighten the core muscles in your abs. 

  1. Increased happiness

The first couple of runs may be a bit rough, but soon you will be literally running high! Runner’s high is suspected to be caused by a rush of endorphins and endocannabinoids that impart a sense of euphoria; this phenomenon can help protect you against depression, anxiety, and even stress. 

Research reviewed in the Clinical Psychology Review found that “exercise training recruits a process which confers enduring resilience to stress.” This means that when you run, your mind becomes more resistant to stress, which can help you in other areas of life. 

Running doesn’t just lessen your negative emotions; it frequently helps increase positivity through improved concentration, mood, and sleep quality. All it takes is 30 minutes of running per week to get a desirable boost in performance. 

Every day you go for a run is another day you continue to strengthen your body, improve your mind, and better your quality of life. Find a fun place to run, strap on a pair of quality running shoes, and head out! It won’t be long before you return smiling and feeling like a million bucks.