5 Reasons Why You Should Try Rock Climbing Today

Have you ever wanted to try rock climbing but always find an excuse not to? Maybe you are scared, busy, or have no experience? Don’t wait another day to give it a try! Here are 5 reasons why you should try rock climbing today!

  1. Cardio Workout

Rock climbing is an intense sport that will get your heart pumping. As you pull yourself up the face of the wall, you get in a solid cardiovascular workout. Not only will you improve your cardio, but you will also be helping to prevent or improve chronic illness such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

  1. Strength Training

Rock climbing takes considerable strength. Many believe that just your arms are getting a workout, but that is not the case. When you rock climb, you engage your abdominals, obliques, back, and legs. You even improve your finger and forearm strength as you grip the handholds. You are getting a full-body workout in just one session. 

In addition to that, you also increase your flexibility and range of motion. Stretching, reaching, and working for that hold that it just out of reach will push your body to the limits to increase both your strength and flexibility. 

  1. Mental Health

Rock climbing is essentially a giant puzzle. As you climb, your mind is processing route calculations and engaging in problem-solving skills. As you reach for the next hold, you are practicing hand-eye coordination skills. All of this combined gives your brain as much of a workout as your body while improving brain function and sharpening your mental abilities. 

  1. Weight Loss

You are torching hundreds of calories every single time you go rock climbing. You are working your cardio and strength skills at the same time while pushing your body hard to reach the top. This extreme engagement of your body is an excellent workout. Climbers, on average, burn 500-900 calories per one-hour session. That would be equivalent to running 5 to 10 miles, but you are engaging almost every muscle group in the process!

  1. It’s Fun!

If it were boring, no one would do it! Yet, there are scores of people who love rock climbing. Why? Because rock climbing is a lot of fun! High-intensity exercise like rock climbing also increases your levels of norepinephrine, which reduces your stress levels. Plus, it is known to induce feelings of pride when you reach a new goal and to help conquer fears. By picking up rocking climbing, you will be having a blast, shedding everyday worries, and getting in a fantastic workout all in one! 

Add into it that rock climbing is a social sport, it means that you get to spend time with friends while working on improving yourself. You will build teamwork skills and bond over your love of the sport!

By taking up rock climbing, you will build cardio and strength, improve your mental health, lose weight, and have fun. It doesn't get much better than that! Contact your local climbing gym to check out rates, packages, and classes today!