5 Reasons Why Swimming is the Perfect Exercise

Are you sick of running for miles, doing endless squats, or spending hours lifting weights to achieve the body that you want? Yes? You should try swimming! Swimming has a plethora of benefits that will change your mind about exercising forever. Here are five reasons why swimming is the perfect exercise.

  1. Full Body Workout

Unlike many exercises that target a specific muscle group, swimming tackles a variety of muscles, all at the same time, providing a full-body workout. Depending on the stroke you choose, you can work everything from your arms to your core to your legs. Switching between strokes will ensure that you are working every possible muscle group. By swimming, you will build strength, increase endurance, and tone muscles. 

Swimming benefits the inside of your body just as much as the outside. It is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise; it keeps your heart rate up the entire time you are moving. Swimming can also increase your lung capacity, lower your blood pressure, and help to manage your blood sugar levels. 

  1. Easier on the Body

Compared to traditional exercises that can be harsh, swimming is much kinder on the body. It doesn't have the repetitive jarring impact of running or the strain of weight-lifting. Swimming is a low-impact sport that reaps plenty of benefits for everyone who participates. 

Swimming isn't solely for the fit and healthy; it is also for those who have suffered injuries or have special conditions. Anyone suffering from joint damage or arthritis can use swimming as a quality low-impact therapy option. In addition, swimming can help those who have asthma, multiple sclerosis, and even pregnant women. Studies have shown that women and their babies can benefit from swimming during pregnancy. 

  1. Calorie Killer

Swimming torches calories almost as much as running, but without the harsh impacts. Since you are working all of your muscle groups, engaging your heart and lungs, and not being slowed down by road conditions or sore joints, you can kill some significant calories. Healthline reports that a 160-pound person can burn around 423 calories per hour just by swimming laps at a low or moderate pace; this proves to be higher than what you would burn by walking or doing yoga. If you were to swim at a vigorous pace, you could burn up to 700 calories an hour! 

  1. Stress Relief

Swimming is an excellent choice for relieving stress. Like with all exercise, swimming allows your mind and body to engage in vigorous activity, allowing you to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of modern life. If a swimmer maintains a solid pace for a long time, they can even experience that elusive runner's high that makes exercising even more enjoyable! 

  1. It’s FUN!

Running for hours or lifting the same weight over and over can be tedious and boring. It will slowly kill your love of exercising if it is all that you do. Swimming, however, is fun! You can perform a variety of strokes as well as do it with friends and family. It doesn't matter your fitness level or theirs, you can do it solo or together!

Swimming is the perfect exercise, so the next time you are setting up your fitness goals, make sure to add swimming in as a component. See which gyms offer a pool with their membership and get started today!